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Nothing Unknown, What is it?
Nothing Unknown is a media collective exploring our world on a quest to discover Unknowns. It is a cohort of creative creators working together behind the @nudiscover brand to share stories about our humanity and the natural environment we live with. With the mandate of embracing the truth and dissecting assumptions, Nothing Unknown focuses on publishing a diverse array of non-fictional stories with roots from all corners of the world. We get comfortable with the uncomfortable while having fun along the way.
We are a community of individuals who relentlessly strive for knowledge to share with you. Join the conversation to explore what is new to you but exists as a reality through different perspectives, and let us get familiar with ignoring Nothing and seeking the Unknown.
Join The Team
Nothing Unknown is growing and we need your help! If you are passionate about your work and motivated to make a difference please get in touch. Both content providers and core team members are welcome at this time.
Sailor, diver, and professional software implementation consultant turned adventure blogger Michael Chahley shares his quest to discover the unknowns of our world by stepping out of his comfort zone. Are you ready to take the plunge?